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Applications are live now

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General Updates

Shoutout to everyone who turned up to our first two insight events of the year.

We had a record-breaking 635 sign-ups.

This is wild to me because our first event really had like 20 sign-ups if that, so we’ve really come a long way.

We have more virtual events in the works so I will look into increasing the attendee capacity.

Also, shoutout to Khalid & Jack for best questions.
↳ Everyone voted - strictly democratic.

Applications are now live again.

But before you rush off…

Things that can make your applications bang:

Resource portal with inspo CVs & Cover Letters
→Free game I am dropping on TikTok & LinkedIn 
→Watching a replay of the insight sessions

I strongly advise that you use these resources because no meady applications will be put through!

Feel free to resubmit if you think your application was mid the first time.
↳ I’m sorry Chim’Di (our internal recruiter)

Good luck ✌🏾

News Summary

The news was particularly boring this week:

→Working in the office = promotion (apparently)
→Income tax might be reduced in March
→Layoffs, Layoffs & more layoffs

Very mid report from my side.

Guess the theme this week is: Meady

Till next time gang ✌🏾

PS: If you want me to know your name, update this form, it’s not by force tho x

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Job Market 💼

  • Go to the office 4 to 5 times a week if you're young and want to score a promotion, says a corporate leader (Business Insider)…sadly I agree

  • Google reveals $1bn UK data centre it says will create jobs and 'boost growth of AI' (Sky News)…finally some good news

  • Google CEO says more job cuts are needed in 2024 in order to reach ‘ambitious goals’ (CNBC)ok which one is it? job cuts or more jobs?

  • Women preferred in private equity to banking, apparently (eFinancial Careers)…just some casual discrimination, no biggie

  • Vivienne Westwood tells its staff to work three days at home to meet net zero goals (City AM)…if they want to hit it faster they should do zero days - simple maths really

  • Citigroup's 20,000 job cuts are not what you think (eFinancial Careers)…I mean sounds like they just overhiring if you ask me

  • City job vacancies dropped nearly 40 per cent in 2023 as firms reverse post-pandemic overhiring (eFinancial Careers)…case and point

General Shenanigans 🚨

  • Biden administration to forgive $4.9 billion in student debt for 73,600 borrowers (CNBC)…UK government take notes please

  • The head of the UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) ready to clamp down on fraudsters (City AM)… about time lol, what were they doing before?

  • London drivers hit hardest as UK car insurance costs rocket to record high (City AM)…sold my car in 2020 and never looked back

  • Boss of dating app Thursday apologises after Linkedin layoffs post (City AM)…anyone that didn’t see this was obviously marketing is childish

  • British Gas named least favourite energy provider as Octopus keeps shining (City AM)…shoutout to our employer partner Octopus 🐙 (exciting announcements soon)

  • Ten Things You Need to Know Today (The Week)

Abit Techie 👾

  • AI could help us with vaccines and tax cuts, Jeremy Hunt tells Davos (City AM)…sure buddy

  • Meta is approaching a $1 trillion market cap after Mark Zuckerberg's 'Year of Efficiency' (Business Insider)…layoffs central!

  • Generative AI may reduce employee headcount by at least 5% in 2024, some CEOs say (Business Insider)…tell us something we don’t know

  • Why constant job cuts could be the new normal for Big Tech (Business Insider)…ffs

  • Meta spent $6.6 million on private jet flights in 2022 for Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg (Business Insider)…gotta use the layoff savings one way or another

Investment Heads 💸

  • Chancellor Jeremy Hunt hints at further tax cuts (BBC)…apparently there might be a focus on income tax, so that’s good news I guess

  • BlackRock strikes $12.5 bln deal for Global Infrastructure Partners (Reuters)…abit late to the party on this one but big news for the diaspora

  • UK inflation unexpectedly rises to 4% in December (Investment Week)

  • Who created Bitcoin? A UK court trial is set to decide (City AM)…Crypto is so 2021 bruh

  • Birkenstock shares slump as shoe company warns on profit outlook during first earnings since IPO (CNBC)…saw this coming from a mile away who actually approves these bizzare IPOs???

  • The markets for you investment heads.

Candid Memes


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