New Year New Internship

I'm Back x

Together With

I’m Back x

What’s happening gang?

I know I know…

“Long time no speak…”
“Where have you been…”
“Is the newsletter back…”

Spare me all the small talk and questions.

New year, new me!

So all my false promises of consistency should be forgiven.

Please and thanks.

Anyways, new year, new Internship…

With who? Federated Hermes, that’s who.

US Asset Manager with over £700 billion in Assets.

They are looking for interns in their UK office.

→Digital Marketing
→Sustainable Fixed Income
→Fund Oversight & Controls
→Infrastructure Private Equity

If you are feeling confident, you can apply now.

If you’d like some application tips, sign up for the insight events.

NOTE: You can only apply to one position so choose wisely!

Btw I am just getting started! Many more opportunities on the way.

In other news:

→General newsletter updates
→Goals setting strategy
→Educational memes

Good to be back!

PS: If you are an HR professional, subscribe to our employer newsletter which delivers weekly insights + news to keep you ahead of the talent market and make your job a tad easier. That newsletter is a tad more formal.
Newsletters galore cause I talk a lot!

Ok bye ✌️

PPS: If this landed in your main inbox you are the chosen one. Also if you received two newsletters…sorry x

Forwarded? Subscribe here

General Updates

We’ve moved the newsletter to a more a fancier (expensive) platform.

It apparently has all the best features like:

→Referral scheme
→Newsletter ads
→SEO ranking

And a bunch of stuff you probably don’t care about.
↳We even have a new colour scheme (how fancy).

Nonetheless, I am levelling up our tech stack to make us the best corporate newsletter in the game.

I am calling it now.

We are hitting 20k subs before the end of the year.

We are currently on 3700, and I am even doing a big audit to clear out dead emails.

So we will probably end up at 3500 as a starting point.

Which means we need to grow the newsletter by over 5x.

Which means we need to get to work!

So tell your mum, friends, colleagues, uncles, aunties etc.
↳ You can literally share via socials on the email header (fancy I know!)

*Corporate News Alerts* to the moon 🚀
↳Yes we have a new name, hopefully it sticks lol.

Corporate Steve’s Corner

Stop setting “S.M.A.R.T” goals.

I dare you to dream BIG!

I want to secure my dream job
I will have too many offers to pick✔️

I want to secure a brand deal this year
I will turn down brand deals this year ✔️

I want to make X amount of money
I will make x5 that amount plus more ✔️

I want to generate awareness for my brand
I will be the go-to brand in my industry✔️

I want to get promoted this year
I will be in a position to award promotions ✔️

I want to start a side hustle this year
My side hustle will out-earn my full-time gig ✔️

Success is highly correlated with delusion.

Or as Steph would say…

“Being delulu is the solulu”

Reach for the moon, land on the stars.

One thing 2023 taught me is that…

Nothing is impossible!

This energy in 2024 and beyond 🤝

Join me or get left behind.

Candid Memes


or to participate.