Gotta stay break-up ready 💔

Employer networking event

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Free Game 🫡

A corporate job is not the only way to make money.

A few tips to navigate the tough job market:

1. Stop looking for corporate jobs (for now)

Look for jobs with low barrier to entry:
↳ Retail, warehouse, coffee shop etc.

You can’t think straight in survival mode.
Some form of income for financial stability is key.

2. Slide into people’s DMs (50 a week)

LinkedIn search the job title you are looking for.
↳ Filter by people → 1st & 2nd connection.

Reach out for virtual coffee chats for insights
To support with your job search & referral opportunities.

3. Network directly with employers (virtual & in-person)

A lot of inclusive employers facilitate insight events.
To support candidates & showcase job opportunities.
A way to network with hiring managers & recruiters.

To get you started on point 3, sign up for an employer networking event happening tomorrow after work.

You can expect: 

  • Inspiring talk from a guest speaker: Ashley John-Baptiste

  • ↳Award-winning journalist, writer, and presenter

  • Network with different industry professionals

  • Get in front of hiring/recruitment teams

  • Food & drinks available 

Most importantly get some pics to post about on LinkedIn. 

Attracting more recruiters and hiring managers to your profile. 

Register before tickets sell out! 

Hope to see you there  Gang.  

PS: I’d still pull up even if you have a job. Gotta stay breakup-ready 😌


or to participate.